Best Tent to Live In: Your Ultimate Guide to Permanent Camping Bliss

SUMMARY: The best tent to live in effectively combines comfort, durability, utility, and livability, such as tents with ample space, robust weather resistance and essential features like proper ventilation and storage options. Though specific preferences may vary, tents from brands like Big Agnes, REI, and Outwell consistently rank high in these areas, making them solid choices for long-term living. If you want even MORE longevity, you might consider a canvas tent or a yurt.

Ever thought about trading your cramped apartment for the great outdoors? 🏞️

Having trouble fitting that grand piano or four-poster bed into your city-slicker apartment? 🛏️🎹

Well, strap in folks, because this article is going to cover:

  • Why trading brick for canvas might just be your best move yet!
  • That size DOES matter (when it comes to tents, of course).
  • How “thick skin” is desirable, at least when it’s a canvas tent we’re talking about.
  • The low-down on the creme-de-la-creme of habitable tents – which might surprise you!
  • And finally, how to set up your new home sweet home 🏕️.

Why Pitch a Permanent Tent?

If you’ve ever dared to dream of escaping the 9-5, the rat race, the daily grind – call it what you will – then maybe it’s time to take that fabulous leap of faith. Yes, you guessed it, I’m talking about living in a tent. 

  • “But why on earth would anyone want to do that?” you might ask. Are you ready for it?

The Glamor of Simple Living

  • Your morning wake up call is not a groaning garbage truck, but birds singing sweetly at dawn 🐦.
  • Instead of watching that dreadful morning news, you’re welcomed by the sight of a gentle sunrise 🌅.

The Practical Benefits

  • You’re now part of the micro minimalist clan, where we say “No” to overpriced rent and “Yes” to cost-effective canvas real estate!
  • You become the master of your domain, pull up stakes at any point, and your 1BHK starts to offer travel destinations 🌍.
  • Nature becomes your backyard, and who needs a gym when you have endless hikes at your doorstep?

Stay tuned folks and we’ll ensure you aren’t left tent-less in the woods, cause we all know that’s in-tents 🎪 (pun absolutely intended). We’re about to deep dive into what exactly your tent home should look like next.   

Essential Features of Your Ideal Living Tent

When it comes to choosing the best tent to live in, certain features can turn your nomadic abode from a simple shelter into a cosy, open-air home. Don’t be tempted to grab the first tent you see at your local outdoor store. Consider this a real estate investment.

Size Does Matter

When planning to live in a tent, size is a critical factor. A tent that’s too small can lead to feelings of claustrophobia, while an overly large tent becomes challenging to heat and maintain:

  • Spaciousness: You need enough space to house not only yourself but all your essentials too. This is your entire world encased in canvas; you need room to live, not just exist.
  • Stature: Height matters as much as floor space. Choose a tent that allows you to stand upright. This is for comfort as well as for hanging light sources or storing taller items.
  • Stability: Larger tents can, unfortunately, be less resilient in high winds due to their increased surface area. Striking a balance between size and stability is key to ensure your new home remains anchored.

The Canvas of Life

The thickness of your tent’s canvas might ring as an unimportant detail, but let’s not be thin skinned about this:

  • Durability: Thicker canvas provides better insulation and withstands harsh weather conditions more robustly. However, it’s heavier and can take longer to dry when wet.
  • Maintenance: While a thicker canvas tent can be more durable, it also requires more care. Keeping your canvas clean and dry will extend its life. Consider this the exterior decorating of your canvas abode.

Location, Location, Location!

When choosing the best tent to live in, factor in the climate and location:

  • Weather: A desert terrain requires different considerations from a snowy mountainside. Choose a tent designed to cope with the specific challenges of your chosen location- whether it’s snow-loading, UV resistance, or ventilation for hotter climates.
  • Terrain: Make sure you consider the ground where you plan to set up your tent. Soil types can affect the tent’s stability and drainage, so it’s worth doing your homework here.
  • Versatility: Your tent should be adaptable. Weather can be as fickle as a reality TV show contestant, so choose a tent designed to handle a range of climatic conditions.

Unboxing the Best Tent Options

Welcome to the showcase of tent living design, like an episode of MTV cribs without the awkward celebrity host. We’ve assessed, picked apart, and reassembled some of the most interesting tents rolling off the production line – all with the aim of finding the best tent to live in.

The Stout Canvas Tent

The brawny cousin in the family of tents, there’s rarely a canvas tent owner who isn’t a die-hard supporter of the cause. And rightfully so!

  • The Strengths: Canvas tents are perfect for year-round living. They’re durable, weather-resistant, and usually come with a wood stove jack. Canvas tents also provide excellent insulation in cold weather.
  • The Quirks: However, they are heavier, and can be a challenge to set up initially. Or is it the other way around? Are they loved because they are heavy and challenging to erect? Ah, the eternal mysteries of Canvas Tent Fandom.

Living in a Yurt – A Roundabout Way of Life

Yurts are the rising stars in permanent camping. With their circular structure and majestic rooftops, they’ve certainly added a dash of exoticism to our tent living review.

  • Yurt Love: Their unique design makes them incredibly spacious, and the high ceilings make for a wonderful atmosphere inside.
  • The Verdict: They require some assembly work, but with a sturdy door, insulated walls, and the potential for a permanent base, they’re quickly becoming a popular choice for outdoor living. The unique aesthetics of a yurt might also help to win reluctant partners or children over to the idea of living in a tent. As it turns out, circular living might be easier to sell than you’d think!

Whether you decide on a sturdy canvas tent or choose to live the ’round’ life in a yurt, the important thing is choosing the best tent to live in for your lifestyle and needs. We hope our featuring of these MTV-worthy tent homes helps guide your decision.

Assembling the Perfect Tent Home

Now that you’ve decided on your dream tent home, it’s time for the fun part – assembling it. Imagine the excitement of a DIY project, but instead of assembling a bookcase, you’re constructing your own dwelling!

The Tent Home “Construction”

Imagine donning your hard hat, rolling out the blueprint across your soon-to-be-taken-by-tent patch of earth, and rallying your assembly team (or cat, dog, or a curious squirrel) for the big lift:

  • Assembly: With your instruction manual (or YouTube tutorial) in hand, begin the tent assembly. Material check, stake placement, pole positioning – each step brings you closer to your completed canvas castle.
  • Inspection: Once the tent is standing, take a step back and admire your handiwork. Right now, it may be an empty shell, but soon this will be your homely retreat.

Creating Your Cozy Corner

Setting up your tent isn’t just about erecting the structure. It’s about creating a living space that caters to your needs and resonates with your persona.

  • Territory Planning: Consider how you’re going to divide your living space. Think about where you’ll sleep, where you’ll store your food, where you’ll cook, and where you’ll lounge and admire the great outdoors.
  • Gear Setup: Assemble your camping gear within the tent. Your bed, storage boxes, cooking utensils, all have their designated place in your tent territory.
  • Utility Check: Make sure everything is easily accessible and organized yet cozy enough to invite a peaceful night’s sleep.

Giving Your Tent a Personality

The best thing about setting up your tent? Personalizing it!

  • Decorate: Hang a dreamcatcher, dangle fairy lights, unroll a faux fur rug, hang photos, or even paint the canvas – the sky’s the limit (quite literally because, you know, it’s a tent.)
  • Comfort Zone: Add the elements that spell relaxation for you – soft cushions, a comfortable mat, dramatic candles, or even a portable heater for colder nights.
  • Homey Touches: Throw in touches that remind you of home. A small plant, perhaps? A favorite blanket? The tent is a reflection of you, and every small detail adds up to create your cozy canvas fortress.

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your ideal tent home may take some time to piece together. However, when you’re sitting in your own personalized sanctuary, under the open sky, you’ll know – you’ve found the best tent to live in for you.


Living in a tent is an adventure that goes beyond just dwelling; it’s an entry ticket to la dolce vita back-to-nature style! Whether it’s under the canvas of a robust tent cradled in the wilderness, or cozied up in a yurt exuding character and comfort, the best tent to live in ultimately depends on you. So here’s nudging the brave-spirited nomad within you – take this plunge and elevate simple living to an art!


Do You Need a License to Live in a Tent?

Surely, freedom doesn’t come with a leash! In the majority of cases, you don’t need any specific license to live in a tent. However, local laws may differ, and it’s wise to check the rules and regulations of your chosen locale.

How Do You Make a Tent Comfortable?

  • That’s where the fun begins! Start by choosing a spacious tent – remember, this is your home!
  • Organize your living quarters well, and equip your tent with comfortable camping furniture – think beds, stools, or hammocks.
  • Don’t forget insulation for colder climes and ventilation for the warmer ones.
  • Infuse it with your personal touches – how about some fairy lights for a cozy feel?

What’s the Best Tent Material for Long-Term Living?

Canvas tents for the win! Canvas is a robust and durable material that withstands weather changes effectively, keeps the inside temperature balanced, and resists wear and tear better than other materials.

Is Living in a Tent Safe?

Living in a tent can be as safe as living anywhere else, given you take some necessary precautions. This includes choosing a safe location, ensuring that your tent material is fire-resistant, and storing food properly to avoid inviting wildlife! However, there will always be some safety concerns with tent living (like locks)!

How Do You Maintain a Tent for Long-Term Use?

Easy peasy! Regularly cleaning your tent, airing it out to prevent mold and mildew, and properly storing it when not in use increases its lifespan. Waterproofing it and repairing any damage promptly will keep your canvas home welcoming and warm for years!

Is It Cheaper to Live in a Tent than a House?

Absolutely! Tent living can significantly cut down on your expenses. No mortgages, no utility bills. The costliest expense will probably be your tent. After that, it’s just maintaining your lifestyle! Efficiency at its best, right?