Tent You Can Stand Up In: An In-Depth Guide for Tall Adventurers

SUMMARY: The article elaborates on the variety of tents that you can stand up in, offering comprehensive guidance on outdoor camping necessities. It dives into different styles, materials, and brands of tents and weighs their pros and cons to help you choose a more comfortable and practical tenting experience.

Ever got a neck crick from stooping in your tent? 😫

I’m 6’4″, so that’s a hard yes for me.

Fellow tall folks–here’s what we’re covering:

  • Understanding why height matters when tent shopping, especially when you’re over 6 foot!🦒
  • A deep dive into the world of giant tents and why an 8-person one might not be sufficient for you.🎪
  • My personal take on the Coleman Weathermaster and how it has changed the camping game for me.🏕️
  • Other tent options that might give Coleman a run for its money.💰

Stick around, your camping life is about to get an upgrade! 😉

Why You Need a Tent You Can Stand Up In

Ever try changing clothes while crouching? Or bumped your head on tent-top during a yawn-stretch morning ritual? If you’re nodding along, you’ve had a taste of the Tall Person Tent Problem.

The Tall Person Tent Problem

  • Trying to stand in a tent that’s too short feels like being in a jack-in-the-box that refuses to pop. 🤡
  • It’s even more fun when you return from a long hike, and all you want is a good stretch but your tent roof says a big “NO”! ❌

These uncomfortable moments can make your great escape to nature feel more like an exercise in becoming a contortionist. Great for the circus, not so great for a restful camping trip.

The Solution – A Cabin-Style Tent

Dome tents CAN be tall–but cabin-style tents are almost tall by default.

Don’t lose hope just yet, my tall comrades! The humble “tent you can stand up in” comes to the rescue and here’s why it’s the ultimate solution:

  • No more practicing your hunchback impressions. Straighten up that spine! 💪
  • Changing clothes becomes less of an Olympic gymnastics event and more of…well…simply changing clothes. 🩳 🩲
  • You get to fully enjoy the comfort of a shelter living room, not just a bed and storage. 🛏️

All these can be yours, provided you choose a tent taller than you. Isn’t stand-up tent just the prettiest phrase you’ve ever seen?

In the next sections, we’ll dive deeper into the realm of these magical high-ceiling tents, starting with, of course, the Coleman Weathermaster! Trust me; it’s not just a fancy name. Keep reading to discover its magic! 🎩

Size and Space: The Primary Considerations

When it comes to choosing a tent you can stand up in, size and space take the prime spotlight. But here’s the catch – bigger doesn’t always mean better. The trick lies in selecting a tent that’s both spacious and practical. This is where understanding the purpose and capacity of tents comes into play.

Tent Capacity – A Misleading Metric

One of the most misleading aspects when tent shopping is the assigned person capacity. A tent labeled as an ‘8-person tent’, for instance, isn’t exactly designed to sleep eight people with room to spare. Rather, it only hints at the maximum number of sleeping bags that can be crammed in, shoulder to shoulder, with little to no room for movement or luggage. So, bear in mind:

  • An ‘8-person tent’ could be just right if you were planning a compact people-only camping trip with no significant gear.
  • However, for those who like to stretch a bit or need some extra space for camping gear, a ’10-person tent’ or a ’12-person tent’ would offer a more comfortable fit.

Personal Experience: Upgrading to the Coleman Weathermaster

As a 6’4″ tall person, my journey to finding the perfect tent was filled with a fair share of trial and error. Countless camping trips were hampered by cramped tents until I discovered the Coleman Weathermaster.

  • The Coleman Weathermaster is an example of a ’10-person tent’ that allows ample room for standing up.
  • Its towering height and exceptional floor space made my camping experiences significantly more comfortable and less claustrophobic.
  • And of course, there’s the heartwarming feeling of walking into a tent rather than making an Olympic sport out of crawling in!

Grandly titled, the Weathermaster truly masters the art of simplifying camping for tall individuals. In the following section, a more extensive evaluation of this tent will be provided.

Evaluating the Coleman Weathermaster

Unveiling the Coleman Weathermaster, I must say, it’s hard to not be impressed with this enormous and stunningly comfortable dwelling. Named with supreme confidence, it truly lives up to its title – a master at weathering the storms. What makes it the ultimate choice for a tent you can stand up in, you might ask? Here’s my detailed evaluation.

Space and Design

  • The Coleman Weathermaster, labeled as a ’10-person tent’, offers a high peak height, thus providing tall outdoor enthusiasts with enough room to stand up and move freely.
  • Its cabin-style design lends itself to more vertical walls, giving an impression of enhanced spaciousness and walkabout headroom.
  • The tent’s design also incorporates a separate screen room. It’s a great addition for campers seeking a separate lounging area without worrying about bugs and mosquitoes.

Standing Room

  • One of the most distinctive features of the Weathermaster is its adequate standing room. With a peak height of 6’8″, my 6’4″ frame has never faced an issue. I could stand tall without hunching, which is something I struggled to find in other tents.
  • The airy spacious design truly is a godsend, making mundane camping tasks such as dressing up and packing infinitely easier.

Weather Resistance

  • A tent’s main function is to protect you from the elements. With the Weathermaster’s WeatherTec system, this tent is designed to keep you dry and comfortable even amid undesirable weather.
  • From personal experience, I can vouch for its resilience in windy conditions and moderate downpour. However, it’s always a good idea to apply extra sealer and rainfly for heavy rain scenarios.

Remarkable Features

  • One feature that sets the Coleman Weathermaster apart is the hinged doors. These are a fabulous luxury, allowing easy access in and out of the tent.
  • The tent also features a well-ventilated design, which is a great aid for maintaining airflow and reducing condensation inside.

Though no tent is without its flaws, the Coleman Weathermaster stands out with its emphasis on size, design, and comfort. It’s not merely a shelter; it’s practically a vacation house you can stand and roam about with complete ease. Stay tuned for a comparison of the Weathermaster with other tents on the market.

Other Tent Options to Consider

While the Coleman Weathermaster has set the bar quite high, our camping adventure isn’t limited to a single option. Other tent manufacturers have their fair share of models attempting to address the ‘tent you can stand up in’ market. Here are some noteworthy competitors:

Eureka Copper Canyon

  • This is often compared to the Weathermaster due to its similar cabin-style design.
  • Available in different sizes, reaching up to a ’12-person’ tag, ample space is its primary selling point.
  • Its peak height of 7′ is generous but what’s even more striking is the verticality of its walls, giving a real room-like feel.

Ozark Trail Cabin Tent

  • Ozark Trail’s cabin tents are well-known for their tall center heights, providing precious standing space.
  • This tent line offers a great budget-friendly alternative, though its weather resistance capabilities are not quite on par with the Coleman Weathermaster.

Core 9-Person Instant Cabin Tent

  • 78″ at the center!
  • Core’s cabin tent promises a speedy setup in mere minutes, a feature that many campers appreciate.
  • While it makes a decent attempt at providing room for standing, it falls slightly short in space as compared to the massive Weathermaster.

While all the above-mentioned tents pass the height test for tall adventurers, my ultimate preference still leans towards the Coleman Weathermaster. The main reason for this choice is the perfect balance of space, practicality, weather resistance, and, of course, the superior standing room that it offers.

In the next section, I’ll wrap up and summarize why a tent you can stand up in, like the Weathermaster, should be considered by every tall adventurer who loves the great outdoors.


Extra height can be a luxury, but when it comes to camping, it often transforms into a puzzle. A regular tent suddenly becomes a claustrophobia-inducing cracker box. This is where a tent you can stand up in comes as a savior.

Carrying around a bulky 10 to 12-person tent might seem excessive, but trust me, it’s worth the effort. Notably, the Coleman Weathermaster has stole my heart by offering ample headroom for a 6’4″ individual like me.

Sprawling spaces, brilliant design, inclusive weather resistance, and a mountain of other key features make it a consistently worthwhile investment. My love for this tent has reached Mount Everest’s height, and I’m pretty sure any fellow tall adventurer can relate to this element.

People say, “Reach for the sky.” Well, in my case, I say, “Reach for the tent ceiling.” For those of you grappling with height and tent issues, remember, the sky is not the limit, your tent ceiling is!

Tall Tent FAQs

Isn’t an 8-person tent spacious enough?

An 8-person tent might suffice for some, but if you are particularly tall, an extra large 10 or 12-person tent is more likely to cater to your needs. In a larger tent, you have the luxury to stand, stretch, and move around comfortably.

Is the Coleman Weathermaster suitable for all weather conditions?

Indeed, the Coleman Weathermaster prides itself on its excellent weather resistance. Whether the weather be cold, wet or dry, the Weathermaster remains unflinching, ensuring you a cozy refuge amidst nature’s mood swings.

What are some other tent options for tall people?

There are multiple tents designed specifically for tall people. Other models to consider might include the Browning Camping Big Horn Tent or the Ozark Trail 12-Person Tent. However, having used the Coleman Weathermaster, I vouch for its exceptional roominess and uncompromising comfort.

Is it difficult to set up a tent as big as the Coleman Weathermaster?

It might be a bit more challenging to set up compared to smaller tents, yet the assembly is clear and straightforward with Coleman’s instructions. Think of the extra assembly time as a small investment that yields significant dividends in the form of freedom and space.

Now, it’s time for you to step into the big, wide world. Grab your ‘tent you can stand up in’, and carve your path in the realm of the tall and free. Happy camping! Don’t let a little tent cramp your style or your legs!